One of the key players in my world is my new puppy. Please meet my Labradoodle, Charlie Sullivan, aka Sully!
This little cutie has been with me just less than 2 weeks. He has a very sweet temperament but holy moly is he 100% puppy! The first night I had him I was quickly reminded why my last dog was not crate trained. The crying and barking is nearly unbearable. It’s way harder on me than it is on him. Plus, living in an apartment makes it way worse. I don’t want to be that neighbor. The crying is not so bad but the barking kills me. We are about 50/50 for the number of nights he has slept in his crate versus my bed. Conveniently, he does not need to get up as often during the night when he is in my bed! Honestly, I do not really mind him sleeping in my bed but some day he is going to be more than 11 pounds! Plus, it makes it harder if I ever wanted to ask someone to watch him overnight.
Now, I do need to be honest. I am taking a little time warming up to him. See, before Sully there was Harry Winston. He was my very first baby and truly my #1. I got HW when I was 23 and we kind of grew up together in making the transition from being a wild college kid to an adult. HW was my complete buddy and went everywhere with me. I am sure he was also a terror of a puppy, but it’s hard for me to remember him like that. Instead I just think about how he didn’t need to be on a leash, that he basically read my mind on what I wanted him to do and he never barked! I know that I will grow to love Sully just as much but I definitely have my walls up. It’s like, no sorry, I am not going love you as much as I loved HW so when you leave me it won’t hurt as much. Does that make me a horrible dog mom? I am sure that will change at some point – like maybe when he stops using my hands as his personal teething ring!
I am looking forward to when Sully is old enough to go running with me. Winston was too small to do that so that will be something different between HW and Sully. Also, I think Sully is going to be my secret weapon in making new friends and maybe even get a date! I took him to a local brewery on Sunday and people just flocked to us. He is definitely a boy magnet. There are also so many things I want to do this spring/summer and now I don’t have to worry about finding anyone to go with because I got a personal co-pilot. There are trails to hike, beaches to stroll, lakes to swim in and adventures of continually chasing the sunny side of life!